When you make a payment, you agree to use a valid payment method. If you are not happy with our services, we offer a 30-day refund.
The prices of courses and services our stated on our website. We regularly run promotions and sales for our courses and certain courses are only available at discounted prices for a set period of time. The price applicable to a course will be the price at the time you complete your purchase of the course (at checkout). Any price offered for a particular course may also be different when you are logged into your account from the price available to users who aren’t registered or logged in, because some of our promotions are available to new users only.
If you are logged into your account, the listed currency you see is based on your location when you created your account. If you are not logged into your account, the price currency is based on the country where you are located. We do not enable users to see pricing in other currencies.
You agree to pay the fees for courses that you purchase, and you authorize us to charge your debit or credit card or process other means of payment (such as direct debit, mobile wallet, mobile money) for those fees. We work with third party payment processing partners to offer you the most convenient payment methods in your country and to keep your payment information secure. Check out our Privacy Policy for more details.
When you make a purchase, you agree not to use an invalid or unauthorized payment method. If your payment method fails and you still get access to the course you are enrolling in, you agree to pay us the corresponding fees within five (5) days of notification from us. We reserve the right to disable access to any course for which we have not received adequate payments.
If the course you purchased is not what you were expecting, you can request, within 14 days of your purchase of the course, that we refund your account. No refund is due to you if you request it after the 14 day time limit has passed.
Refunds will be issued net of transaction fees. The following transaction fees apply:
– Mastercard/Visa/American Express: 4.5%
– Mobile money (MTN/Airtel/Tigo): 3.5%
– Mobile money (M-Pesa): 2.5%
Example: If you paid $75 for a license and paid using a Mastercard, your refund would be $71.63. If you paid using MTN Mobile Money, your refund would be $72.38.
To request a credit/refund, please contact us here.
Once we provide you with a refund, you will no longer have access to the course. All material provided to you is our property and you agree to destroy them immediately.
At our discretion, if we believe you are abusing our refund policy, we reserve the right to ban your account and to restrict all future use of the Services. If we ban your account or disable your access to a course due to your violation of these Terms of Service, you will not be eligible to receive any refund.